7 foods that prevent wrinkles

The best anti-aging diet:

best foods to include in your anti-aging diet
best foods to include in your anti-aging diet

Are you interested in looking young for as long as it is possible? Do you want to keep fine lines and wrinkles at a safe distance? If you have given an affirmative answer to either one of these two questions, do not hesitate to keep on reading this article. We have gathered seven of the best foods to include in your anti-aging diet, thus helping you prevent the appearance of wrinkles and others signs of aging. Keep in mind that a healthy diet is one of the number one factors that can help you in the fight against the aging process.

#1 Citrusfruits

All the members of the citrus family have anti-aging properties, as they are rich in antioxidants. When consumed on a regular basis, they can reduce the damage done by free radicals and reduce the risk of fine lines and/or wrinkles. It is also worth mentioning that these can be used for other purposes; for example, lemon has skinlightening properties,when applied topically. You can rub lemon slices on your skin or massage your skin with fresh lemon juice, in order to eliminate areas of hyperpigmentation. Just make sure to avoid immediate exposure to the sun, as your skin will be quite sensitive.

#2 Avocado

Avocado is one of the best anti-aging foods you shouldconsider including in your diet, as it is rich in vitamin E, which is highly beneficial for the health of the skin. At the same time, it contains healthy oils and a number of beneficial antioxidants, being able to reduce the risk of oxidative stress. It can help you to restore the healthy-looking aspect of the skin, working wonders on your hair as well. It might interest you to know that avocado is also rich in folic acid, contributing the regeneration of skin cells.

#3 Blueberries

We have often heard about blueberries being recommended for those who want to maintain the youthful aspect of the skin. You might not know this for a fact but blueberries have a lot of benefits to offer when it comes to the fight against aging, as they are rich in antioxidants. They contain a lot of vitamin C, being able to reduce the damage done by free radicals and keep wrinkles away. High in potassium, they balance the skin and prevent common problems, such as under eye bags or general puffiness.

#4 Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the most interesting spices out there, with numerous health benefits to offer, including when it comes to the skin. This scented spice can be easily added to your daily diet, stimulating the health of the skin and preventing wrinkles from forming. Beauty specialists have long recognized the efficiency of cinnamon, this being the reason why the spice has started recently to be used in topanti wrinkle creams.

#5 Broccoli

Broccoli is not only delicious to the taste but it has a wide range of health benefits that we all should consider. It is rich in nutrients that are extremely beneficial for the health of the skin; it is a good source of both vitamin C and beta-carotene, working to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging. You can consume it steamed or grilled, enjoying its unique taste. Bonus tip: it is one of the best foods you can consider to protect yourself against heart disease.

#6 Dark chocolate

Dark chocolateis more beneficial for the skin than you might think, as long as it is consumed with moderation. You have to make sure that the dark chocolate you consume contains at least 70% cocoa. It might interest you to know that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which areessential for keeping wrinkles and other signs of aging away. It also contains beneficial proteins and a good dose of vitamin B, helping you maintain the youthful aspect of the skin for a prolonged period of time.

#7 Fatty fish

For a long time now, scientists have tried to draw attention to the health benefits of fatty fish. Today, we know that fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These stimulate the healthy aspect of the skin, helping the walls of the skin cells stay strong and, thus, preventing the structural matrix of the skin from losing its integrity. The consumption of fatty fish on a regular basis is one of the easiest ways to ensure you will be wrinkle-free, for as long as it is possible.

These are some of the best anti-aging foods you should consider including in your diet. Many more foods can be added to this list, including artichokes, bone broth (particularly when eaten as part of the Dr Kelly bone broth diet), walnuts, fermented foods and all green vegetables. Keep in mind that a healthy diet is not enough to delay the aging process of the skin. You also need to reduce your exposure to the sun, drink plenty of water and give facial exercises a try.







Author Bio: MargauxDiaz is an inspirational writer who strongly believes in the power of self-motivation. She is a Fitness Specialist and completed her Master’s in Biotechnology. Her writing has beenpublished in Consumer Health Digest, She believes that every women and men, no matter what age or race, can be confident but that confidence must be shaped inside and out. Follow her on Twitter, likeher on Facebook, and Google+.

One thought on “7 foods that prevent wrinkles

  1. Reblogged this on Stimulife Health Blog and commented:

    All the members of the citrus family have anti-aging properties, as they are rich in antioxidants. When consumed on a regular basis, they can reduce the damage done by free radicals and reduce the risk of fine lines and/or wrinkles. It is also worth mentioning that these can be used for other purposes; for example, lemon has skinlightening properties,when applied topically. You can rub lemon slices on your skin or massage your skin with fresh lemon juice, in order to eliminate areas of hyperpigmentation. Just make sure to avoid immediate exposure to the sun, as your skin will be quite sensitive.

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