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Best food to eat in summer?


Feeling dehydrated during summer months and experiencing low energy level? It is important that we should take extra care during the hot season. 

5 Top Foods


Watermelon, a seasonal summer fruit comes for a reason. As it contains 91.45 per cent water, it helps in fulfilling your body’s water requirement. Also, loaded with anti-oxidants properties, watermelon gives you a wonderful cooling effect.


Loaded with fibre, eating cucumber in summer helps in keeping constipation at bay. Cucumber also contains high amount of water content. So, have this crunchier food and stay cool during the hot weather.


Curd is not only delicious but also gives a coolant effect to the body. You can have curd in different variants too. Make spicy buttermilk, or sweet lassi. You can also make raita and can eat it with your food. Another option to eat curd is by adding seasonal fruits in it or by making lip-smacking smoothies.

Coconut water

Coconut water is the best summer drink. This ‘not-so-expensive’ drink is available in almost all fruit shops and is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It has cooling properties that help you fight against the hot weather. Studies also show that drinking coconut water regularly also protect against cancer.


This inexpensive herb is easily available with almost all vegetable vendors. Adding mint in curd, chaach or in raita could give you added benefits. You can also prepare mint chutney, which is a common thing prepared in almost all Indian houses. Mint not only keeps your body temperature cool but also gives you a refreshing effect.

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