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A long and healthy life?


How can I live a long life?

Get your copy of Living Better, Living Longer

  1. Don’t smoke.
  2. Enjoy physical and mental activities every day.
  3. Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and substitute healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats.

What is the best diet for longevity?

A heart-healthy diet is one that includes:

Does diet affect life expectancy?

A study found that those eating one serving of fruits and vegetables a day died 19 months sooner than those eating five servings a day, a direct correlation between plant-based diets and lifespan. Just reducing the amount of meat one eats can increase lifespan.

What is the best exercise for longevity?

The Best Exercise Routine For Longevity


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