The Red Pill

My Experience After I Took It

My Story And What Led Me To The Red Pill

I have been fascinated with the dynamics and mechanics of what makes organisations tick for as long as I can remember.

But I have also been equally fascinated with the dynamics of how to think effectively, and how to not think, and the practicalities of how to apply all this to the tough times that affect us all – and especially now in the post Covid-19 world.

For many years I felt that the organisational and personal dynamics of change were two quite separate fields and thus different lines of enquiry. Eventually, I realised that they are not. They are inter-connected. Everything is inter-connected. We are all inter-connected.

I do not simply mean this as an idea or a concept but as a felt and experienced reality.

However, for the vast majority of us, for the majority of the time, we just can’t see it – our minds get in the way.

When I first saw “The Matrix” I immediately saw it as a powerful visual analogy for what I was experiencing.

About 10 years before that, I had set out on a personal journey of discovery into “the meaning of life, the universe and everything”.

I was serious and sincere in my intentions without fully realising what I was getting into, I took the red pill.

What Does It Mean To Take The Red Pill?

The journey of personal development and spiritual growth starts by developing a good working relationship with your mind.

The initial stages of this process focus on the conscious mind and working on all the things you can do to develop a more resourceful mind.

As you engage with this process you soon realise that your mind has many unconscious aspects that you need to make conscious and work on.

Then, at some point, you become aware of your spiritual or higher self.

The best way to think of this is as your personal portal to the universe and “everything out there”.

Taking the red pill describes the point at which you seriously start to engage with your higher self…

What Happened When I Took The Red Pill

On my journey to this point I had immersed myself in the study of psychology, self-help and personal development. I had practised positive thinking, visualisation, affirmations; I had also embraced NLP and other techniques of self-improvement. I worked my way through various religious and spiritual practices. I had also done a lot of work on myself to deal with the baggage of my past.

As a result of all this I mastered certain skills in life and in business, and I became fairly successful and what I used to describe as a fully functional human being. At that time I felt that with the mastering of these various skills I had at last got a working model of how to do life.

Curved Balls And Shattered Certainties

But, having made the commitment to dive deeper into the inner spiritual dimension, what I found was that every time I thought that I had mastered it and got the hang of it all, life threw me a series of curved balls that shattered my certainties and exposed them as delusions.

If You Take “Life” Seriously It Engages And Starts To Take You Seriously

Firstly, what I didn’t know at the beginning of all this is that when we start to take Life seriously – or The Energy Of Life as I refer to it, it takes us seriously, and that changes everything.

We live in an energetic world, and how we feel inside most of the time – our dominant emotional state – has a major bearing on our experience of life, especially over time. In other words we live in a participatory universe.

The Rules Of The Game Change

In simple terms it quite literally reverses the rules of the game. All the things that used to work no longer work. The old skills become irrelevant. The model cracks and old certainties fail.

Secondly, I discovered that once we start out on this journey there is no turning back. This is a high wire walk and the only way is forward.

Relating To, And Interacting With, The Energy Of Life

The key thing I very rapidly experienced was that there was an interaction taking place between my inner dialogue and accompanying energy states and The Energy Of Life.

The interaction was a combination of verbal initiation, questioning, reflection and intention on my side, and an intuitive reception of response, supported by external changes of circumstances, and my perception and attitude towards them.

This was rarely an immediate cause and effect but rather analogous to a dance, and often a very slow dance at that!

I came to experience this dance as a relationship which developed and deepened over time and which, as with all relationships, involved a degree of trial and error, learning and development.

Challenges You Will Face When You Take The Red Pill

An excellent insight into what happens when you take the red pill and journey down the rabbit hole and on into wonderland is shared by personal development blogger Steve Pavlina in a series of 3 videos.

I have created key point summary notes to accompany each video and provided the links to the videos and notes here: The Red Pill

Stephen Warrilow, runs an informational site Zen Tools for tough times. The purpose of this site is to show you how to cope in tough times, and to provide you with the tools to do this successfully.

The outcomes that you experience in life are determined by your responses to the events in your life. The stronger your response – the better the outcome. The strength and quality of your response is determined by the skills and the experience you bring to it.

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